Math Acronyms

List of Mathematical Acronyms

Acronym Description
AC Axiom of Choice, or set of absolutely continuous functions.
a.c. absolutely continuous.
acrd inverse chord function.
ad adjoint representation (or adjoint action) of a Lie group.
adj adjugate of a matrix.
a.e. almost everywhere.
Ai Airy function.
AL Action limit.
Alt alternating group (Alt(n) is also written as An.)
A.M. arithmetic mean.
arccos inverse cosine function.
arccosec inverse cosecant function. (Also written as arccsc.)
arccot inverse cotangent function.
arccsc inverse cosecant function. (Also written as arccosec.)
arcexc inverse excosecant function. (Also written as arcexcsc, arcexcosec.)
arcexcosec inverse excosecant function. (Also written as arcexcsc, arcexc.)
arcexcsc inverse excosecant function. (Also written as arcexcosec, arcexc.)
arcexs inverse exsecant function. (Also written as arcexsec.)
arcexsec inverse exsecant function. (Also written as arcexs.)
arcosech inverse hyperbolic cosecant function. (Also written as arcsch.)
arcosh inverse hyperbolic cosine function.
arcoth inverse hyperbolic cotangent function.
arcsch inverse hyperbolic cosecant function. (Also written as arcosech.)
arcsec inverse secant function.
arcsin inverse sine function.
arctan inverse tangent function.
arctan2 inverse tangent function with two arguments. (Also written as atan2.)
arg argument of
arg max argument of the maximum.
arg min argument of the minimum.
arsech inverse hyperbolic secant function.
arsinh inverse hyperbolic sine function.
artanh inverse hyperbolic tangent function.
a.s. almost surely.
atan2 inverse tangent function with two arguments. (Also written as arctan2.)
A.P. arithmetic progression.
Aut automorphism group.
bd boundary. (Also written as fr or ∂.)
Bi Airy function of the second kind.
BIDMAS Brackets, Indices, Divide, Multiply, Add, Subtract.
Bias bias of an estimator
BWOC by way of contradiction
Card cardinality of a set. (Card(X) is also written
cas cos + sin function.
cdf cumulative distribution function.
c.f. cumulative frequency.
c.c. complex conjugate.
char characteristic of a ring.
Chi hyperbolic cosine integral function.
Ci cosine integral function.
cis cos + i sin function. (Also written as expi.)
Cl conjugacy class.
cl topological closure.
CLT central limit theorem.
cod, codom codomain.
cok, coker cokernel.
conv convex hull of a set.
Cor corollary.
corr correlation.
cos cosine function.
cosec cosecant function. (Also written as csc.)
cosech hyperbolic cosecant function. (Also written as csch.)
cosh hyperbolic cosine function.
cosiv coversine function. (Also written as cover, covers, cvs.)
cot cotangent function. (Also written as ctg.)
coth hyperbolic cotangent function.
cov covariance of a pair of random variables.
cover coversine function. (Also written as covers, cvs, cosiv.)
covercos covercosine function. (Also written as cvc.)
covers coversine function. (Also written as cover, cvs, cosiv.)
crd chord function.
csc cosecant function. (Also written as cosec.)
csch hyperbolic cosecant function. (Also written as cosech.)
ctg cotangent function. (Also written as cot.)
curl curl of a vector field. (Also written as rot.)
cvc covercosine function. (Also written as covercos.)
cvs coversine function. (Also written as cover, covers, cosiv.)
def define or definition.
deg degree of a polynomial, or other recursively-defined objects such as well-formed formulas. (Also written as ∂.)
del del, a differential operator. (Also written as ∇ \nabla .)
det determinant of a matrix or linear transformation.
dim dimension of a vector space.
div divergence of a vector field.
dkl decalitre
DNE a solution for an expression does not exist, or is undefined. Generally used with limits and integrals.
dom domain of a function. (Or, more generally, a relation.)
End categories of endomorphisms.
Ei exponential integral function.
epi epigraph of a function.
Eqn equation.
erf error function.
erfc complementary error function.
etr exponent of the trace.
exc excosecant function. (Also written as excsc, excosec.)
excosec excosecant function. (Also written as excsc, exc.)
excsc excosecant function. (Also written as excosec, exc.)
exs exsecant function. (Also written as exsec.)
exsec exsecant function. (Also written as exs.)
exp exponential function. (exp x is also written as ex.)
expi cos + i sin function. (Also written as cis.)
expm1 exponential minus 1 function. (Also written as exp1m.)
exp1m exponential minus 1 function. (Also written as expm1.)
Ext Ext functor.
ext exterior.
extr a set of extreme points of a set.
FIP finite intersection property.
FOC first order condition.
FOL first-order logic.
fr boundary. (Also written as bd or ∂.)
Frob Frobenius endomorphism.
Gal Galois group. (Also written as Γ.)
gcd greatest common divisor of two numbers. (Also written as hcf.)
gd Gudermannian function.
GF generating function.
GL general linear group.
G.M. geometric mean.
glb greatest lower bound. (Also written as inf.)
G.P. geometric progression.
grad gradient of a function.
hacover hacoversine function. (Also written as hacovers, hcv.)
hacovercos hacovercosine function. (Also written as hcc.)
hacovers hacoversine function. (Also written as hacover, hcv.)
hav haversine function. (Also written as sem.)
havercos havercosine function. (Also written as hvc.)
hcc hacovercosine function. (Also written as hacovercos.)
hcv hacoversine function. (Also written as hacover, hacovers.)
hcf highest common factor of two numbers. (Also written as gcd.)
H.M. harmonic mean.
HOL higher-order logic.
Hom Hom functor.
hom hom-class.
hot higher order term
HOTPO half or triple plus one
hvc havercosine function. (Also written as havercos.)
hyp hypograph of a function.
iff if and only if.
IH induction hypothesis.
iid independent and identically distributed random variables.
Im imaginary part of a complex number (Also written as ℑ \Im ).
im image
inf infimum of a set. (Also written as glb.)
int interior.
I.o. Infinitely often.
ker kernel.
lb binary logarithm (log2). (Also written as ld.)
lcm lowest common multiple or least common multiple of two numbers.
LCHS locally compact Hausdorff second countable.
ld binary logarithm (log2). (Also written as lb.)
lerp linear interpolation.
lg common logarithm (log10) or binary logarithm (log2).
LHS left-hand side of an equation.
Li offset logarithmic integral function.
li logarithmic integral function or linearly independent.
lim limit of a sequence, or of a function.
lim inf limit inferior.
lim sup limit superior.
LLN law of large numbers.
ln natural logarithm, loge.
lnp1 natural logarithm plus 1 function.
ln1p natural logarithm plus 1 function.
log logarithm. (If without a subscript, this may mean either log10 or loge.)
logh natural logarithm, loge.
LST language of set theory.
lub least upper bound. (Also written sup.)
max maximum of a set.
MGF moment-generating function.
M.I. mathematical induction.
min minimum of a set.
mod modulo.
Mp metaplectic group.
mtanh modified hyperbolic tangent function. (Also written as mth.)
mth modified hyperbolic tangent function. (Also written as mtanh.)
mx matrix.
NAND not-and in logic.
No. number.
NOR not-or in logic.
NTS need to show.
OBGF ordinary bivariate generating function.
ob object class.
ord ordinal number of a well-ordered set.
pdf probability density function.
pf proof.
PGL projective general linear group.
Pin pin group.
pmf probability mass function.
Pn previous number.
Pr probability of an event. (See Probability theory. Also written as P or P .)
PSL projective special linear group.
PSO projective orthogonal group.
PSU projective special unitary group.
PU projective unitary group.
QED "Quod erat demonstrandum", a Latin phrase used at the end of a definitive proof.
QEF "quod erat faciendum", a Latin phrase sometimes used at the end of a geometrical construction.
ran range of a function.
rank rank of a matrix. (Also written as rk.)
Re real part of a complex number. (Also written ℜ \Re .)
resp respectively.
RHS right-hand side of an equation.
rk rank. (Also written as rank.)
RMS, rms root mean square.
rng non-unital ring.
rot rotor of a vector field. (Also written as curl.)
RTP required to prove.
RV random variable. (or as R.V.)
SD standard deviation
SE standard error
sec secant function.
sech hyperbolic secant function.
seg initial segment of.
sem haversine function. (Also written as hav.)
SFIP strong finite intersection property.
sgn sign function.
Shi hyperbolic sine integral function.
Si sine integral function.
sin sine function.
sinc sinc function.
sinh hyperbolic sine function.
siv versine function. (Also written as ver, vers.)
SL special linear group.
SO special orthogonal group.
SOC second order condition.
Soln solution.
Sp trace of a matrix, from the German "spur" used for the trace.
sp linear span of a set of vectors. (Also written with angle brackets.)
Spec spectrum of a ring.
Spin spin group.
s.t. such that or so that or subject to.
st standard part function.
STP sufficient to prove.
SU special unitary group.
sup supremum of a set. (Also written as lub, which stands for least upper bound.)
supp support of a function.
swish swish function, an activation function in data analysis.
Sym symmetric group (Sym(n) is also written as Sn) or symmetric algebra.
tan tangent function. (Also written as tgn, tg.)
tanh hyperbolic tangent function.
TFAE the following are equivalent.
tg tangent function. (Also written as tan, tgn.)
tgn tangent function. (Also written as tan, tg.)
Thm theorem.
Tor Tor functor.
Tr trace, either the field trace, or the trace of a matrix or linear transformation.
undef a function or expression is undefined
v volume.
var variance of a random variable.
vcs vercosine function. (Also written as vercos.)
ver versine function. (Also written as vers, siv.)
vercos vercosine function. (Also written as vcs.)
vers versine function. (Also written as ver, siv.)
W^5 which was what we wanted. Synonym of Q.E.D.
walog without any loss of generality.
wff well-formed formula.
whp with high probability.
wlog without loss of generality.
WMA we may assume.
WO well-ordered set.
wp1 with probability 1.
wrt with respect
WTP want to prove.
WTS want to show.
XOR exclusive or in logic.
ZF Zermelo–Fraenkel axioms of set theory.
ZFC Zermelo–Fraenkel axioms (with the Axiom of Choice) of set theory.


Math Acronyms

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