Number 48428

Names of 48428

Nominal 48428
Cardinal forty-eight thousand four hundred twenty-eight
Ordinal 48,428th
This number as US currency forty-eight thousand four hundred twenty-eight dollars

Properties (and some facts) of 48428

Is 48428 an odd number? 48428 is NOT an odd number
Is 48428 an even number? 48428 is an even number
Is 48428 a palindrome? 48428 is NOT a palindrome number
Is 48428 a triangle number? 48428 is NOT a triangle number

48428 in other Bases

Base 2 (Binary) 10111101001011002
Base 3 (Ternary) 21101021223
Base 4 (Quaternary) 233102304
Base 5 (Quinary) 30222035
Base 6 (Senary) 10121126
Base 8 (Octal) 1364548
Base 12 (Duodecimal) 2403812
Base 16 (Hexadecimal) BD2C16
Base 20 (Vigesimal) 611820

Primes and Factors tests for 48428

Is 48428 a Prime Number? 48428 is NOT a prime
Is 48428 a perfect number? 48428 is NOT a perfect number
Is 48428 a Mersenne Prime? 48428 is NOT a Mersenne prime
Is 48428 a Fermat Prime? 48428 is NOT a Fermat prime
Is 48428 a Fibonacci Prime? 48428 is NOT a Fibonacci prime
Is 48428 a Partition Prime? 48428 is NOT a Partition prime
Is 48428 a Pell Prime? 48428 is NOT a Pell prime
Prime Factors Prime factors of 48428


48428 in other Numerals

48428 in Roman Numeral XLVMMMCDXXVIII
48428 in Chinese Numeral 肆萬捌仟肆佰貳拾捌
48428 in Egyptian Numeral 𓂰𓇃𓍥𓎇𓐁
48428 in Babylonian Numeral 13   27   8  

Roots and stuff for 48428

Is 48428 a square number? 48428 is NOT a square number
Is 48428 a cube number? 48428 is NOT a cube number
Square root of the number 48428 220.06362716269
Cube root of the number 48428 36.450110109099

Recreational math for 48428

Number 48428 reversed 82484
Sum of the digits 26
No of digits 5

Other pages about 48428