Number 93

Names of 93

Nominal 93
Cardinal ninety-three
Ordinal 93rd
This number as US currency ninety-three dollars

Properties (and some facts) of 93

Is 93 an odd number? 93 is an odd number
Is 93 an even number? 93 is NOT an even number
Is 93 a palindrome? 93 is NOT a palindrome number
Is 93 a triangle number? 93 is NOT a triangle number

93 in other Bases

Base 2 (Binary) 10111012
Base 3 (Ternary) 101103
Base 4 (Quaternary) 11314
Base 5 (Quinary) 3335
Base 6 (Senary) 2336
Base 8 (Octal) 1358
Base 12 (Duodecimal) 7912
Base 16 (Hexadecimal) 5D16
Base 20 (Vigesimal) 4D20

Primes and Factors tests for 93

Is 93 a Prime Number? 93 is NOT a prime
Is 93 a perfect number? 93 is NOT a perfect number
Is 93 a Mersenne Prime? 93 is NOT a Mersenne prime
Is 93 a Fermat Prime? 93 is NOT a Fermat prime
Is 93 a Fibonacci Prime? 93 is NOT a Fibonacci prime
Is 93 a Partition Prime? 93 is NOT a Partition prime
Is 93 a Pell Prime? 93 is NOT a Pell prime
Prime Factors Prime factors of 93


93 in other Numerals

93 in Roman Numeral XCIII
93 in Chinese Numeral 玖拾叄
93 in Egyptian Numeral 𓎎𓏼
93 in Babylonian Numeral 1   33  

Roots and stuff for 93

Is 93 a square number? 93 is NOT a square number
Is 93 a cube number? 93 is NOT a cube number
Square root of the number 93 9.643650760993
Cube root of the number 93 4.5306548960835

Recreational math for 93

Number 93 reversed 39
Sum of the digits 12
No of digits 2